Dewy Venerius - Kawaii illustrator & designer

My name is Dewy, and I'm a Dutch illustrator & designer who lives in Zwolle.
My style is sleek, playful and sweet, but with a cool edge & vibe. Cartoonish, happy, graphic and cute designs are my expertise. Oh, and I often get inspired by Asian (sub)cultures.
Do you want to hire me as an illustrator or designer? For collaborations, please contact me on the contact page.
Kawaii webshop
In my kawaii lifestyle webshop you will find cute items with a Asian vibe. Take a look at the J-fashion, stationery and home & living items!
Working together
I love yo make cute, custom illustrations for you or your company. Please take a look at my portfolio to see my recent projects.
Character design
Are you looking for kawaii character designs? You have come to the right place with me! I like to think along about an idea for your character, from concept to implementation, from target group to appearance.
Discuss your idea? Please contact for more information.
Looking for an illustrator to draw a portrait? Do you want a drawing for an invitation, wedding card or a birth announcement? Or do you want who = who portraits for your company website? I like to think along with you about a matching style for your portrait. View my portfolio for different styles I work in, such as cartoon-ish portraits, mangaportraits and chibi’s.
Product illustration & design
I like to develop and design concepts for (illustrated) product designs. From pattern design to visualisation, from an idea to a concept. You can contact me for the illustrations as well as advice for the production partners.
Within my network I now have many contacts both in Holland and abroad for production, from small-scale to large-scale print runs. Please contact for a collaboration.

Small illustrations & icons
I like to design small illustrations for books, magazines, icons, logo's & other graphics applications. Please visit my portfolio to see some examples!

Promotional Gifts
Ik denk graag met jou mee voor een leuk idee voor een relatiegeschenk. Stuur mij een berichtje om jouw wensen te bespreken!
Support via Ko-fi
Do you like my work? Nice! You can buy a small cup of coffee for me! Visit Ko-Fi to make a small donation for my business. Thanks for the support!